WHO do you want to be famous with?*

Knowing all you can about your customer is the start to creating a product that sells itself. We work from an on-the-surface consumer profile and create deeper insight and clear application via our own "iceberg muse."

*Dangling participle intended.

WHERE do you want to be famous at?*

This is all about segmentation. We use a matrix system of segmenting markets primarily by consumer, channel, and tier of distribution, then integrate a brand map and tactical merchandising plans. Develop your strengths through segmentation and extend your competitive advantage.

*Dangling participle intended.

WHAT do you want to be famous for?*

Combined with a clear WHO, and WHERE, a brand can move to a demand side point-of-view and commercialize their ideas. We build line and market briefs, guide you through DEEP merchandising and help you get in touch with your founding principles to deliver a strong identity.

*Dangling participle intended.

Methods & Inspiration

Our tools of the trade.

These help point out the path for HOW to get where you want to go.

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